Hey cruel world!
This is my first attempt at Blogging and no doubt I am going to look back on this at some time and cringe and how daggy it seems.
Every journey starts with the first steps...so I guess I am on my way.
What I already know....
I am already connected to a Socialbookmarking site (Diigo)
i am already using Google Reader (albeit not efficiently or to much ussefulness -so far)
I have had some use on interactive whiteboards and would love to REALLY use them in my classroom. (gotta have one first - grimace)
I have been contributing to the subject wiki (seems easy enough to contribute but am nowhere near to starting my own)
What I want to know...
I have created a blog (easy enough but really it's just an online diary and who the hell wants to read this anyway. Not sure that it has to be online, out there for the whole world to read...)
I want to learn how to use the IWB regularly in my classroom. - Gotta have access to one first -groan. - hey did I just repeat myself?!?
I want to learn how to put together powerful moviemaker and powerpoint presentations for the classroom
I want to connect to others doing what I want to do
I want to learn stuff that I don't even know I want to learn yet.
That should be enough for the moment.
