It started accidentally, I came across a short Youtube clip about PLEs created by a Year 7 student that I thought would appeal to my current student audience. I showed the clip to the students to promote some discussion one morning. Just a short 15min segment right at the beginning of the day. Wow talk about lighting a fuse!!! The clip generated discussion not only on that day, but on the next day that I was able to see them. I went looking for more short videos that would appeal to the students AND contain some small learning element that would spark discussion. I am really keen to keep this format of starting the day going.....the problem. How to collect enough quality, relevant, thought provoking video clips/slideshows or visuals that fit the purpose.
If you have a wonderful source or resources that are short, sharp and focused on general learning outcomes targeting ages 11-15 send the ideas my way. In exchange I will endeavour to post all my findings here for others to access too.

So to start, here is the link for my first success. It is linked to a previous post I have written on Symbaloo.
Welcome to my PLE Presented by a grade 7student in the USA as part of her learning expectations.

I am quickly becoming aware that in the near future I am going to have to start creating my own cool videos and clips to add to the sharing community out there. It is not enough to simply take without an expectation to return the favour. That is my next personal learning goal, now that I am getting the hang of some of the basics of Web 2.0 tools.
