As much as I would like to have presented a perfect Blog straight up I would prefer to post SOMETHING rather than perfect NOTHING. Hence my header picture is the wrong size and I can't work out how to resize it so it looks more like a banner than a block. I need to find a good source of tutorial information on how to embed things in my blog. I am interested in the book pick bookshelf, a clock, a media player or videos in general.
It has also come to my attention that I seem to be a lonely planet in a whole sky of internet bloggers. Obviously I need to work on connecting with others and promoting myself.
*sigh* so much to learn and never enough time in the day.
It has also come to my attention that I seem to be a lonely planet in a whole sky of internet bloggers. Obviously I need to work on connecting with others and promoting myself.
*sigh* so much to learn and never enough time in the day.
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